‘What Has To Be Done’,  Today Art Museum, Beijing, China. (2017) 

This exhibition, curated by Chris Wainwright, was the result of our four voyages together in 2013/2014/2015/2016 on the Lady of Avenel (a 102 square foot rigged brigantine) around the Western Isles of Scotland. These voyages brought together artists from China and the UK to to address questions about sustainability and the environment and to respond culturally to the dramatic effects of climate change.

The project drew on the legacy of Richard De Marco (see Edinburgh Arts) who organised a series of voyages on The Marques around the British coast line in the late 1970’s, bringing together key figures from the art world including the artist Joseph Beuys to critically address our relationship with nature. The title, ‘What Has To Be Done’, explicitly refers back to the question ‘What is to be done’ posed by Beuys in 1980 in relation to nuclear power and alternative technologies.

In this exhibition I showed the photos and drawings I made on voyages in 2013, 2014 and 2016, alongside two poems I wrote collaboratively with WHTBD artists in response to their experiences aboard Lady of Avenel.

Click Here to find out more about the voyages